Glass transition measurement with DMA

Keywords: DMA, Glass Transition, PMMA, temperature sweep, viscoelasticity

Glass transition measurement with DMA

DMA is recognized as the most accurate technique for determining the glass transition (Tg) of polymeric materials. The test is performed on a continuous temperature ramp at a controlled rate of change. This test, one of the most commonly used in DMA, also provides precise information on viscoelastic properties and their temperature dependence. These data are crucial in determining the temperature range in which a given material can be used for an industrial application.

The example shows a PMMA specimen tested in tension at 1Hz. The modulus curve typically describes the material’s change of state from glassy to rubbery plateau, while the Tg can be determined from the Tan Delta or E” peak or the inflection point. 

Thanks to a particularly wide range of excitation forces, the DMA + series can work on both small and large specimens, providing data that is more representative of the material’s structure, and improving accuracy by reducing the impact of imprecision in dimensional measurements on the modulus.