Building Frequency-temperature superposition master curves

Keywords: DMA, master curves, WLF, Arrhenius model, frequency sweep, viscoelasticity

Building Frequency-temperature superposition master curves

Determining viscoelastic properties over a wide frequency range is a crucial point in the development of rubber-based materials (anti-vibration, damping, noise reduction, tire adhesion, etc.). Although Metravib DMA+ is capable of directly measuring the viscoelastic properties of materials for excitation frequencies up to 1 kHz at various temperatures, the principle of the frequency/temperature equivalence law enables the modulus and Tan Delta to be extrapolated for a much higher frequency range by calculating master curves. 

The example shows the master curves of a rubber material, fitted with a combination of the WLF and Arrhenius models. Intelligent parameter selection ensures perfect repeatability of the master curve calculation, avoiding any operator effect.